

Prep Level C ( 5 year old and up)

Prep Level B (3 year old to 5 year old)

Level 1

Level 1 page 2

Level 1 page 3

Prep Level A (24 to 36 months)


We recommend starting introducing classical pieces through playing them for your preschoolers on piano/keyboard with Gentle Piano first. Parents have to learn it using Right, Left and/or Both hands with child present or participating in piece learning/singing Solfeggio/performing.

After ‘hand on’ experience the same piece should be presented as original with the help of CD, You Tube, iTunes and other listening devices. We will provide you with the sample links here, in our curriculum for your convenience, but feel free to brows different interpretations of the same piece.

Movements, dancing, ‘conducting’, loosing attention during the listening to original version is appreciated. You don’t have to push ‘just listening’ – a child has to do something happy and enjoyable while the music lasts.

The piece should be presented to a child during the entire 4 – 4,5 weeks segment of curriculum on different occasions. The structure (playing a piece 1-2 times a day) and spontaneity should be combined.

Every time before or after the piece is being played the name of it and name of composer should be announced.

If the piece is stimulating and exciting we recommend listening to it 1-2 hours before nap or night sleep. If the piece is soft and smoothing, it may be presented to a child, when he/she starts resting and about to sleep.

Every piece of this list after initial introduction during 4-4.5 week segment should be played occasionally with new pieces of the curriculum. It is important to keep all the music in mind and be able to differentiate one piece from another.

Joseph Haydn ‘Surprise Symphony’. Gentle piano: Favorite Classics Primer.

The sample of the orchestra version of the piece could be found on You Tube as Symphony # 94 (1st part) – for instance




Level 2



Level 2 page 2



Level 2 page 3